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En vit temugg och staplade fat i keramik
En vit temugg och staplade fat i keramik
Vita fat i stengods står staplade i en hög med en temugg högst upp
En smörkni i trä ligger på ett vitt keramikfat
Uppläggningsfat i vit keramik
Stengodskeramik i form av koppar, muggar och fat
Vita fat i stengods står staplade i en hög
En vit mugg och fat i stengods

EARTH OVAL Small plate


In Stock

  • Free shipping on orders over 800 SEK applies to orders in Sweden.
  • We ship within 2-4 working days.


EARTH OVAL is a small dish that is made by hand from durable stoneware. Use to create beautiful table settings together with our other ceramics in the Earth series. The dish can be washed in a dishwasher.

The Earth series is produced by potters outside of Kathmandu, who primarily work with stoneware. The glossy glaze is light gray with small irregular black dots.


Country: Nepal
Size: 11,5 x 17 cm
Material: Stoneware
Design: A World of Craft Studio
